Wolf Man (2025)

The peace and tranquility of a family get disturbed when an invisible animal attacks them in the middle of the night. The father, who was the family’s security provider, starts going through a very scary and peculiar transformation that terrifies his family and confuses them the sounds of their surroundings. His body starts to change and is in the process of being someone else. The family finds itself in a tough fight to know and live through the whole night. As days go by, they question whether the creature outside did this repulsive transformation or was something else going on. Anxieties go up as the fear of the unknown increases and the once united family starts collapsing gradually under the burden of the strange events. Follow Moviesjoy Horror Movies for more.

Wolf Man Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Wolf Man (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Horror
Director: Leigh Whannel
Writer: Leigh Whannell, Corbett Tuck
Stars: Christopher Abbott, Julia Garner, Matilda Firth